Have you ever meet a girl that you just "clicked" with and had instant chemistry? Have you ever noticed that some guys are always the center of attention with women? Have you ever had a girl tell you she really likes your smell, when ironically, you weren't wearing any cologne? Did you know that some women living together or working in the same office will often share the exact same menstrual cycle? Something is going on here, and each situation has "something" in common. That "something" is an unspoken and powerful chemical language that humans communicate with on a very instinctive and subconscious level. That language is the language of pheromones.
Location of the VNO in the human nasal Cavity There are countless studies and reports that PROVE the effects of pheromones sex pheromones, demonstrating that humans DO produce and DO react to pheromones!??For example, in controlled experiments, women exposed to men's axillary pheromones for the men they viewed MUCH more sexually attractive! Another study revealed that 74% of women, when exposed to sex pheromones, reported more sexual intercourse with men! They also reported increases in formal dates, petting, affection, kissing, and a greater desire to sleep closer to their partner! A similar study conducted with men exposed to sex pheromones concluded with similar results, as men reported more sexual intercourse, affection, kissing, and dates! Further discoveries in science are supporting the influence of pheromones on human sexual behavior with the discovery of the gene V1RL1 that codes for a pheromone receptor in people!-? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??Read More..... If there is the slightest possibility of you not getting to understand the matter that is written here on Pheromones, we have some advice to be given. Use a dictionary!
"Only AXCITE- will give you the edge to create INSTANT sexual chemistry with the opposite sex! " Pheromones are a well-established system of communication that animals and people use to communicate on a subconscious level. Pheromones are chemicals that signal a specific behavioral response such as defense, territorial rites, and even the desire to have sex. You can't see them, smell them, or taste them, but they are there, affecting our actions and reactions unbeknownst to us, all the time.??
For guys, attraction is simple. We see a hot a girl, and we know instantly if we're sexually attracted to her based on that visual stimulus. For women, it's not so simple. How many times have you seen a gorgeous girl with a guy who's just average? I bet you asked yourself "How'd that happen?" And when's the last time the "nice guy" got all the girls? Unfortunately, that never happens. Women base the scent of attraction to men on a POWERFUL, instinctive feeling they get. Women just know. And guess what-Now YOU can make any woman KNOW that YOU are the one she's sexually attracted to with AXCITE-!??How is this possible?
Pheromones are chemicals that the body release naturally that allow a form of silent communication between living creatures. Human pheromones are related to the gender of a person. Males have a the secrets of pheromones and females have a set of pheromones. Humans only respond to the pheromones from other humans. The exact effect of human pheromones is not known, but studies have proven they are effective.
Human pheromones are something we all have. They impact our lives even though we are probably not aware of how they do so. Pheromones are known to be strong and important, and it cannot hurt to experiment for yourself to see if you notice any difference. The first impression is the best impression. We have written this article on Pheromones in such a way that the first impression you get will definitely make you want to read more about it!
Everyone has likely responded to a pheromone. Ultra allure pheromones that signal the flight or fight sense. When someone is scared it is the pheromones that cause others to run too. Pheromones can be very strong, especially buying pheromones signaling attraction. We have included the dominican school of philosophy & theology so that you will learn more about its history. It is only through it's history can you learn more about Pheromones.
Most of the work with pheromones has been studying how animals and insects use them. It is more obvious in these species than in humans. Dogs mark their territory with pheromones. Insects make paths with pheromones. They are very important to an animal or insects daily life, where as humans, we rarely even think about how we are using ours. Don't be surprised if you find anything unusual here about Pheromones. There has been some interesting and unusual things here worth reading.
Human pheromones are what trigger attraction between the two sexes. They are thought to have been directly related to the days before spoken communication and language. The pheromones would signal to males that females were ready to breed, just as they do in animal and insect species. Today, though, human pheromones have been bottled and sold as the sure proof way to get a date.
Many companies have latched onto the idea of selling synthetic pheromones in the form of perfumes and colognes. There is not conclusive scientific proof a guide to buying human pheromones, but many customers swear by these products and repeatedly buy them. Naturally, it takes more than simply a smell to attract a date. Having a penchant for Pheromones led us to write all that there has been written on Pheromones here. Hope you too develop a penchant for Pheromones!
Pheromone cologne: the secret to attract the opposite sex produced in the body that control all social behavior, including sex. Researchers have discovered a way to place them inside a cologne, some reasons to use pheromone cologne for men is slowly changing the social life game.
Impi Original: Impi is an African (Zulu) word for "warrior" and it combines traditional secrets of herbal aphrodisia with modern pheromone science. The makers of Impi, LaCroy Chemical, themselves located in South Africa, tell me that the fragrance of Impi comes from an ancient African herbal formula used by men to attract the opposite sex. Not only that, but Impi has an all-knew pheromone formula which contains at least one entirely new pheromon, never before used in a cologne. LaCroy has been in the pheromone industry from the beginning and has brought us a number of our top-sellers including New Pheromone Additive and the Edge.
Chikara: The cologne is one of the state or the art pheromone products available. It contains an all new proprietary formula of the three most popular pheromones and scent new how to use pheromone concentrate for better appeal to the opposite sex in cologne. The sense of smell kind formula includes seven of the most potent some reasons to use pheromone cologne. You will find androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone all inside this genuine cologne featuring 10mg of pheromones. Did I mention the fragrance is awesome too? Dwelving into the interiors of Pheromones has led us to all this interesting information about the use of human pheromones. Pheromones do indeed have a lot to tell!Dwelving into the interiors of Pheromones has led us to all this information here on Pheromones. Pheromones do indeed have a lot to tell!
Here are some of the top products: Pherlure: Uses a pheromone that aurora university proven to work and the result is one of the most popular and customer satisfied products on the market. Pherlure increases a lot of suggestive emotions, like smiling, flirting, laughing, and playful touching. The scent is also outstanding! It was with keen interest that we got about to writing on Pheromones. Hope you read and appreciate it with equal interest.
Alter Ego: The cologne contains three of the most popular and well received pheromones on the market. Androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone can all be found in this spectacular scented cologne with is sold for both the men and ladies. Aiming high is our motto when writing about any topic. In this way, we tend to add whatever matter there is about Pheromones, rather than drop any topic.
Primal Instinct: One of the greatest pheromone fragrances in every day life grace the market, Primal Instinct guarantees 5mg of androstenone per bottle and ylang ylang oil. It provides a nice scent, but the true success of Primal Instinct is born out of its powerful ingredients. What colognes entice women of all ages? featured on Dateline TV as the most powerful pheromone product on the market. We are satisfied with this end product on Pheromones. It was really worth the hard work and effort in writing so much on Pheromones.
Atract-RX pheromones have received a lot of attention for their claims of elevating your bodies natural pheromone levels. This sounds interesting, however raises a few questions..
If you bought a good multi vitamin with zinc, DHEA and Tribulus you would spend the quarter of that price and have the same thing. If you look all the way to the bottom of there website it says they are not FDA approved .. hmmm ... I wonder why. We are satisfied with this end product on Pheromones. It was really worth the hard work and effort in writing so much on Pheromones.
I ultimately decided to order one bottle to see if it actually worked. I took the 3 tablets every night before I went to bed waiting to see if any results would transpire. Enhancing your vocabulary is our intention with the writing of this article on Pheromones. We have used new and interesting words to achieve this.
I tried to stay optimistic that lure pheromone testimonials kick in and women would notice me but nothing really happened.I'm guessing your results will depend on how your body reacts assuming their is in fact, any real phermones in the tablets. I've tried male pheromone before but this one is definetely subpar when it comes to results. Some users have claimed that it works so it may have been just my experience and how my body reacted .. but if thats the case I would want a product that works well for everybody.
Attracting the opposite sex with the help of a pheromone Fact? According to the merchant, Attract RX contains a unique blend of potent herbs to increase pheromones production. This includes L-Arginine HCI, L-Glutamine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Omithine HCL, L-Valine, and Colostrum. The product is basically being promoted as a pheromone supplement.From what I can see, this is nothing more than a bunch of amino acids.