Maxim Pheromones - What Are The Most Popular Pheromones On The Market?

Maxim Pheromones

What Are The Most Popular Pheromones On The Market?

Maxim Pheromones - What Are The Most Popular Pheromones On The Market?

What are the most popular pheromones? on the market today are not guaranteed to get you laid. Sure, there are some excellent products available and there is also a lot of rubbish out there but to think you can simply slap a little cologne on the neck or on the wrist and become an instant sex magnet is going to get you disappointed more often than not!

Dr, Winifred cutler is the scientist behind the establishment of Athena Pheromones and she's almost a legend in the area of pheromone studies, having produced a lot of ground-breaking research. Pherlure Cologne has also undergone extensive testing in fact, underwent tests by the University of Chicago and was found to be very useful in getting people noticed. An idle brain, is a devil's workshop they say. Using this ideology in mind, we ventured to write on Pheromones, so that something productive would be achieved of our minds.

Here's a tip. Look for companies promoting products which have a little substance behind their claims. What do I mean by this? Well, put simply, look for products which have clearly undergone extensive research in reputable areas and by people who know their stuff. Two products which come immediately to mind are Athena Pheromones and Pherlure cologne. Using the intuition I had on Pheromones, I thought that writing this article would indeed be worth the trouble. Most of the relevant information on Pheromones has been included here.

Do Pheromones Really Work - Is It Just Hype? It's important to remember pheromones on their own won't get you laid. You would be fooling yourself if you thought that was the case. As a conversation starter, yes, they can be effective. Writing something buy pheromones seemed to be something illogical in the beginning. However, with the progress of matter, it seemed logical. Matter just started pouring in, to give you this finished product.

Pheromone cologne review A lot of research has been conducted over the last twenty years about the existence and what are the types of human pheromones?. Still, the debate continues about whether they really exist and if they do, can they be adapted into product form for people to use as a secret weapon in their endeavors to attract sexual partners. We had at first written a rough assignment on Pheromones. Then after a few improvisions and enhancements here and there, we have ended up with this end product.

Many products are available on the market today and sifting through them is like wading through a pool of hype and amazing claims. For someone making their first foray into the world human pheromone production the choice is vast but the doubt still pervades the mind. What is the most popular pheromones product available? Opportunity knocks once. So when we got the opportunity to write on Pheromones, we did not let the opportunity slip from our hands, and got down to writing on Pheromones.

Natural pheromone oils caused a lot of debate. That is an understatement. So far, the gap between the believers and non believers is still relatively wide despite some promising research being done in this area. What is it about human behaviour that we actually need to see something before we believe it. Talk about the missing link... think about it, could pheromones actually be the X factor in us which determines attraction?

Did You Know? The human pheromone "craze" started as early as 1971. Well, it wasn't a craze back then but a study showing the connection between pheromones attract women living together going through their menstrual periods at the same time started to alert us of the possible presence of human pheromones.

Despite the research being conducted the fact remains, there are still skeptics out there who are yet to be convinced about the validity about pheromones review an effect on human behaviour. When doing an assignment on Pheromones, it is always better to look up and use matter like the one given here. Your assignment turns out to be more interesting and colorful this way.

Pheromone Studies A general look at human pheromones not only exist but they are gender targeted. What does this mean? Basically it means they affect heterosexuals and homosexuals individually. So heterosexual to heterosexual and homosexual to homosexual.

We've spoken about Winifred Cutler pioneering the marketing of pheromones and her site holds the key to buying products. When searching for the best pheromone products, a site should provide a good balance between general research information along with it's sales pitch. Learning about things is what we are living here for now. So try to get to know as much about everything, including Pheromones whenever possible.

How To Choose Are pheromones an aphrodisiac? The emergence of pheromone marketing websites online has been quite dramatic, especially during the last couple of years. It's almost a maze to wade through and the problem many would be having is whether to buy the cheapest product available or buy from the first site they see? People always think that they know everything about everything; however, it should be known that no one is perfect in everything. There is never a limit to learning; even learning about Pheromones.

Dr. Winifred Cutler was the first to suggest pheromones could be marketable as a perfume or spray. Her findings made people sit up and take notice during the 1980's and what followed was the beginning of the pheromone enhanced product. She produced some interesting findings including the ability of the male pheromone to have an effect on the well being of women. Dr. Cutler heads up the Athena Institute and visiting the website makes for some interesting reading. The best way of gaining knowledge about Pheromones is by reading as much about it as possible. This can be best done through the Internet.

Do Pheromones Really Work? The debate between pro pheromone advocates and non believers continues. The problem is, there is no official evidence they actually play a part in human behaviour. Certainly research has pointed to evidence suggesting they may be evident in our day-to-day behaviour but until somebody comes out and produces concrete, unrefutable evidence they exist in humans, then we can only surmise they exist. Never be reluctant to admit that you don't know. There is no one who knows everything. So if you don't know much about Pheromones, all that has to be done is to read up on it!

Even more importantly, if the manufacturers produce their own products in house, even better. They are more likely to be serious about staying in business for the long term rather than making a quick dollar and disappearing off the scene. How much you spend is up to you. There are offers involving two-for-one on some sites while others are happy to provide products without all the hype. Variety is the spice of life. So we have added as much variety as possible to this matter on Pheromones to make it's reading relevant, and interesting!

You can smell home made apple pie, you can smell the scent of a barbecue grill and now you can smell the scent of sex if you know how. Bringing the scents of sex to the market place discount pheromones is all about. You will want to read the following to find out how you can improve you sexual smell.

There is more information and to find out what scent is right for you. About the Author: Go to Romantic Secrets, read more about Pheromones and how they can work for You. Although there was a lot of fluctuation in the writing styles of we independent writers, we have come up with an end product on Pheromones worth reading!

How to 10x pheromones For starters, try all the normal perfume spots: wrists, behind the ears, throat, and chest. Next level: inside of elbows and knees if exposed. Women report success with ankles and thighs. Requiring more caution but reportedly very most effective pheromones in the right amounts are: arm pits, hair and pubis. Unscented sprays are often applied to clothing collars and cuffs for long term use. Watch out for over-application and staining of fine material.

Scientists have long known that odors and subliminal scents - sex attractants or pheromones - influence how animals develop, mate, bond, and nurture their offspring. Recently, scientists discovered that human animals are no exception. Odors can accelerate puberty, control women's menstrual cycles, and even influence sexual orientation. They help us tell lovers and family members from strangers and let mothers and infants bond. Odors affect how often we have sex, and with whom. They influence how the brain develops, what we remember, and how we learn.

What to expect from Pheromones Tips for men: First of all keep in mind what a high-end andro product does. It makes you more attractive in a male sort of a way, more manly, studly or whatever. That is a good top 5 pheromone colognes for attracting women women, but keep in mind that generally you have to look friendly. You have to temper the stud thing with Mr. helpful or you are going to have a hard time breaking the ice with most women. Primal makes you seem more powerful but I can tell you from experience that women have to get the feeling that you are going to use that power to protect them and not control them.

Euphoria pheromones for retarded lovers, in the name of their lonely evenings. scents the body produces in order to communicate with others nearby. They are well documented in the animal kingdom as the force that controls all social behavior, including mating. Scientists are now finding that human behavior is also heavily influenced by these invisible airborne chemicals. It is only because that we are rather fluent on the subject of Pheromones that we have ventured arizona christian university so influential on Pheromones like this!

All this time you thought it was sculpted muscles, dazzling smiles and fast cars that were surefire babe magnets. Well have we got news for you. What really drives women wild are naturally occurring body chemicals called pheromones. Actually they work the same way to drive men wild, but the male and female pheromones are chemically different.

3.Do the results promised sound absolutely too good to be true? They probably are. There is one similarity with regular perfume, it seems that various pheromone formulas can react differently with each individual. So you may want to experiment with a few types. You can find out more about pheromone products-brands, what they do and how to get them - at this website:

For her early studies Dr. Cutler gathered sweat from the armpits of healthy women and men in their 20s, removed the bacteria and odor and used the extract. Because it's much too costly to collect and process human pheromones for sale, she and her team have produced laboratory equivalents. Since then dominican house of studies by Dr. Cutler and other organizations around the world have shown some amazing results. It is rather interesting to note that people like reading about Pheromones if they are presented in an easy and clear way. The presentation of an article too is important for one to entice people to read it!

In another of Dr. Cutler's control groups 38 men were given either a pheromone-alcohol solution to add to their regular cologne or a straight alcohol solution. None knew which they had been given. After 8 weeks of wearing the cologne 47% of the pheromone users reported that they had more sexual intercourse, compared with only 9.5% of those with the placebo. It is always better to have compositions with as little corrections in it as possible. This is why we have written this composition on Pheromones with no corrections for the reader to be more interested in reading it.

In humans, pheromones are activated at puberty. Both men and women produce varying amounts of "male" pheromones: androstenone and androstenol, only women secrete the "female" pheromone copulins. Produced by the apocrine glands in the armpit and around the genitals pheromones scent signals that are picked up by the vemeronasal organ (VNO), just inside the nose. The VNO passes these messages on to the limbic part of the brain which governs the most basic human sensations, like joy, anger, love, hate and sexual arousal. Do not judge a book by its cover; so don't just scan through this matter on Pheromones. read it thoroughly to judge its value and importance.

As you can well imagine a whole crop of pheromone products has hit the market with differing formulas for both men and women. Most are made of laboratory synthesized versions of male and female hormones, and as is the case with most anything you get what you pay for. It appears that the cologne pheromone scentseductioncom the product the more money you'll pay. Some of the top selling brands are more than $100 for a sixth of an ounce, but the concentration of pheromones is such that that sixth of an ounce will last you a long time.

By now, you may be wondering how you can get your hands on some of this liquid sexual magnet. We have links to many of these products on our Pheromones web page: It is not likely you will find any of these products in retail stores, not yet. You will have to order them on the Internet and have them delivered by mail. At our web site, you will also find additional scientific studies about pheromones in case you need more convincing that they work. By the way, both Al and Pala have used pheromones and they work for us. Al added the unscented variety to one of his musk colognes. Right after that Pala not only started hugging and kissing him more frequently, but she started telling everyone how much she loved that cologne-she had never mentioned it before! The presentation of an article on Pheromones plays an important role in getting the reader interested in reading it. This is the reason for this presentation, which has gotten you interested in reading it!

There have been a few unusual tests illustrating the effects of the male pheromone androstenone on women. For one study, a single chair in a dentist's reception area was sprayed with androstenone, all the others were left untouched. It was observed that women most often sat in the chair treated with the pheromone. Another test involved three attached pay telephone booths. Again one of the three phones was sprayed with androstenone and more women used the treated phone than the other two. We were actually wondering how to get about to writing about Pheromones. However once we started writing, the words just seemed to flow continuously!

While we aren't consciously aware of another person's pheromones, we can't "smell" them in the traditional sense, they do have a major impact on us. They ignite the sex drive, increase fertility and help regulate women's menstrual cycles.

A significant measure was a big increase in physical response by women - brushing against the pheromone wearers (31%), touching them (30%), becoming sexually excited (18%), expressing a desire for sex (17%), and actually having sex with them (16%).

Here's a look at a few of the pheromone products available: Androstenone Pheromone Concentrate, for men an androstenone only oil-based formula. Scented. Athena 10X for men and Athena 10:13 for women - by none other than Dr. Cutler herself. The formula is a closely guarded secret DateMate 2000 for men with androstenone and androstenol. DateMate FM for women with androstenone, androstenol and copulins. Unscented 15 ml. spray. Primal Instinct for men only, contains 5 mg of androstenone per 10 ml bottle. This baby will last you a long time! Scented. Realm, men's and women's formulas. Scented. Contains .05% androstenone by volume. Xcite wipes, foil wrapped moist towlettes impregnanted with pheromones, easy to carry and quick to spread on the body. Scented.

One survey participant described his experience: "One night in a bar a woman walked past me and looked at me. The second time she walked past she came straight to me, said hello, started talking to me and I was very surprised when she grabbed hold of my hands and gave me a kiss on the lips..." Some of the matter found here that is pertaining to Pheromones seems to be quite obvious. You may be surprised how come you never knew about it before!

It's not just sexual attraction that appears to be boosted by wearing pheromones. Perfume pheromone scentseductioncom report that people generally pay more attention to them, listen more when they speak, and are friendlier in social situations. Pheromones seem to affect people's general impressions and assessments. In one clinical study participants wearing surgical masks were shown photographs of buildings, trees, animals, women and men. Their task was to assess each according to impressions of friendly/unfriendly, aggressive/passive, attractive/unattractive and so on. The purpose of the test, they were told, was to examine how stress related to wearing a surgical mask affected decision-making. Participants were tested twice, with a two-week interval between sessions. For one of the tests small quantities of pheromones best sprayed on the mask, without the participants' knowledge. With the added pheromone there was no noticeable difference in the study group's impressions of trees and buildings. Animals were considered slightly more aggressive. Most stunning however was the difference in assessments of people, both women and men were considered to be more friendly, sensitive, intelligent, attractive, confident and good. Self-praise is no praise. So we don't want to praise ourselves on the effort put in writing on Pheromones. instead, we would like to hear your praise after reading it!

In a double blind experiment with young women 36 percent of those exposed to pheromones had sex weekly during the first three weeks of the study. Of those receiving a placebo only 11 percent had weekly sex. By the end of the study, 14 weeks, 73 percent of the pheromone users were having sex every week, while those on the placebo stayed at 11 percent.

The name pheromone comes from two Greek words pheran (to transfer) and horman (to excite). According to Dr. Winnifred Cutler, pheromones are "substances excreted by an animal that affect the reproductive behavior of another same-species animal acting at a distance." Since 1870 when the French naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre discovered male moths flying from miles away to visit a female moth caged in his lab, scientists have known about and documented the effects of pheromone information in insect and animal species. For example male cockroaches go wild when exposed to a glass rod covered with female cockroach pheromones, and attempt to mate with it! A randy boar opens his mouth and puffs out a breath laden attract pheromone them freeze a sow in heat, ready for mounting. It wasn't until 1986, however that Dr. Cutler, director of Pennsylvania's Athena Intstitute, proved the existence of human pheromones and began to document their effects.

There are scented and unscented versions. Unscented can be added to your regular cologne or aftershave. You may want to experiment with applying pheromones to your clothes as well as to your skin. Both methods have different effects. Due to body heat pheromones spray on skin evaporate quickly putting them into action right away, the "instant attractor". The downside is that the active ingredients are used up just as fast. Sweat and surface bacteria also tend to break down and wash away pheromones on the skin. Spraying unscented products on clothing gives a slower acting but much longer lasting effect. It may in fact last longer than you want, requiring dry cleaning or several launderings to remove, and some delicate fabrics may not take kindly to a spray-on product at all. Some folks go for the double whammy with a combo of scented pheromone oils the skin and unscented on the clothes. It is with much interest that we got about to write on Pheromones. So we do hope that you too read this article with the same, if not more interest!

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